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Specifying the task

For us, even the specification forms part of the process – we discuss the purpose and we talk about marginal conditions and solution outlines. It is often necessary to visit the customer to get first-hand experience and form one’s own impression. We will tune the specifications together, using the opportunity to discuss the matter further and steer the future project towards exciting outcomes.


Training after acceptance is highly important. Thorough training is the basis for correct machine control and production efficiency. We propose a sufficient number of training days, and after a test period of the machine’s full operation in production, we provide additional training.

Production and assembly

Most designed workplaces originate in our production. Here we also prepare jigs or other necessary parts, do wiring, programming and preparations for test machining.

Machine selection

Machines are selected not only using technical parameters. We try to meet the client’s requirements, but we also design the organisation of production with an emphasis on cost-effectiveness. For us, a machine is a part of the technology as a whole.


If the technology concept got you excited and you like the proposed technology procedure and operations, simulation is the next possible step. Its benefits are more accurate estimates of machine and auxiliary times. At the same time, other details of the proposed machining process can be tuned based on observations, and the dimensions of the selected tools can be verified.


Technical issues and discussions, in particular, are an important aspect in any successful project implementation. We can devise for our customers a financing method, and at the same time we are ready to come up with a proposal for a solution regarding financially securing an order.

Technology study

The technology study is a perfect foundation for further discussions with the client, and also the first step for an assignment in the field of machining technology. Its outcome is a simple presentation of operations involved, including a recommended machine and a basic time study.

Warranty and post-warranty service

We are committed to offering affordable service, and we see it as our obligation to continuously improve it. We have service packages pre-prepared and we are ready for discussions about post-warranty terms and the contract.

Test series

For us, producing a test series is best done at our own facility. We have at our disposal suitable measuring devices and are able to incorporate your remarks from pre-acceptance tests of the complete production cells. This shortens the production start-up.

Workplace design

If the client is interested, we are able to prepare a 3D model of an entire workplace, including jigs or other peripherals. We can design special auxiliary equipment for workpiece handling or measurement devices.


Today, everywhere you look you will find powerful CAD/CAM tools; however, not all requirements can be processed using them. If an important project is involved and you are interested, we offer prototyping. The option to produce a matching part with various settings and approaches can move the whole project to another level. Especially in matters of surface quality and accuracy.


We continuously monitor subsidy programmes and support methods. In this area we offer consultancy linked to the project implementation itself and the design of the technical solution.

Clamping study

The machined part frequently cannot be clamped using standard jigs. It may be beneficial to consider multiple clamping or a special jig. The output is a structural design and a description of the elements used. The assembly is then used for a collision analysis and as a basis for a possible machining simulation.


Despite the fact that both parties give their best to the completed contract, after a while it is good to return to the proposed solution. Daily real-life production reveals improvement opportunities and leads to higher productivity and greater cost-effectiveness.

Training before installation

The production and assembly period is great for the initial familiarisation of future operators or technologists. We have a fully equipped training centre, which enables trainees to detach themselves from their daily duties and later to master the delivered equipment more quickly. Practical training takes place on the machines in our production facility.


Thanks to our knowledge of the technology process, we are able to design workplace automation and calculate its yield. We also work here with 3D data, and together with the client, we discuss workplace ergonomics, the overall lay-out, and the automation control method.

Industrial management

The assignment does not have to relate to any particular workplace. If the task concerns a more complex production process, involving multiple workplaces, we are ready to consult. It is important to remember that production is not only about machines and equipment. The future solution should follow the processes of technical preparation of production (TPP), production itself, and inspection.

Tool list

Based on the approved design, a tool list is drawn up. This often includes designed special tools for shaped surfaces, combined tools to increase productivity, or other solutions suitable for the implemented project.


This is the milestone for every order, which shows how well we have dealt with the whole project management. It is an essential step for tuning the technology before its acceptance and commissioning.

Reverse – engineering 

Reverse-engineering is used when no documentation or 3D data from the client are available. We’ll scan the product using the appropriate method and, using the scanned points, our designers will create a model applicable for our technology and production.

Installation at the customer’s site

Installation at the customer's facility can take up to several weeks, depending on scope of the supplied equipment. The installation is carried out by our service technicians, and if necessary, our designers, programmers, or metrology colleagues (with a precise measurement laser) can step in. Installation is completed by handing over of protocols and training related to equipment maintenance.

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